O come o come Emanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the son of God appears
Rejoice, rejoice
Emanuel shall come to thee, o Israel
Ah well, ooh
(Bumm, bumm, bumm)
O come, desire of nations, bind
Bind as one the hearts of all mankind
Bid thou our sad divisions cease
And be thyself our king of peace
Emanuel shall come to thee, o Israel
(Israel, come to thee)
Rejoice (rejoice) rejoice (Ooh)
Emanuel shall come to thee, o Israel
(O Israel, come to thee)
Rejoice (Rejoice) Rejoice (Ooh)
Emanuel shall come to thee, o Israel
(O Israel, come to thee)
Rejoice (Rejoice) Rejoice (Ooh)
Emanuel shall
(Shall come)
He’s gonna come o Israel
(Shall come)
Don’t you worry, God’s gonna be there
(Emanuel shall come)
Emanuel, He’s gonna come
O Israel
Ooh yeah